Police K9 Training
Delta Canine Services offers basic and in-service training on a regular basis for police patrol and police specialty K-9 teams. In addition, it holds periodic remedial and advanced training seminars for police K-9 teams from throughout the United States and at our location in Arizona.
The singular goal of the Delta Canine Services Police Working Dog program is the continual elevation of the performance standards of K-9 teams we work with.
Because of its growing recognition as a superior training program, numerous law enforcement agencies have begun sending even their experienced K-9 teams to Delta Canine Services for advanced instruction. Our trainers are world recognized decoys and trainers our executive director and head trainer, that oversees all of the training programs has credentials that are unparalleled in the patrol and criminal apprehension area.
With over 25 years experience in training dogs for obedience, sport, Police, Protection, detection, and we also have the top French Ring Decoy and trainer in the United States.
There are MANY people who CLAIM to be Police K9 decoys and trainers, but have little experience in working high level dogs. We know how to build dogs and work them within their potential and assist them in growing into a superior working K9. You will not find a safer, more skilled decoy and trainer in the United States!
We have traveled the world training people and dogs in French Ring, Police K9 training, and Personal Protection, as well as teaching people to become more proficient as decoys in the bitesuit!
Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Arizona, Glendale, Mesa – Arizona – Police K9 – Canine – Decoy – Dog- Training